Broadcast-quality HD PSAs are available at no cost to your station.
Broadcast-quality SD PSAs are available upon request.
Please see below for our available PSA campaigns.
For any questions or requests, please contact us at [email protected].
  • About
  • TV
  • Collateral Material
  • En Español
The Obesity Action Coalition (OAC) is National non-profit organization dedicated to giving a voice to individuals affected by obesity and helping them along their journey toward better health. Our core focuses are to elevate the conversation of weight and its impact on health, improve access to treatment and prevention of obesity, provide science-based education on obesity and its treatments, and fight to eliminate weight bias and discrimination. For more information, please visit www.obesityaction.org.
TV To download file, please select link and save to your local hard drive.

"Step into a Healthier Future"
No end date for use
Broadcast HD File (:60)
Broadcast HD File (:30)

" Da un paso hacia un futuro más saludable"
No end date for use
Broadcast HD File (:60)
Broadcast HD File (:30)

Collateral Material To download file, please select link and save to your local hard drive.
501c3 Certificate
"Step into a Healthier Future"
TV Electronic PSA Kit (EPK)
" Da un paso hacia un futuro más saludable"
TV Electronic PSA Kit (EPK)
En Español
TV Para descargar el archivo, sírvase seleccionar el enlace y guarde el archivo en su disco fijo local.

" Da un paso hacia un futuro más saludable"
Este PSA no tiene fecha de vencimiento
PSA en formato Broadcast HD (:60)
PSA en formato Broadcast HD (:30)